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Smiling is a basic and biological form of human expression. With the advancement of 3D ultrasounds, doctors are able to detect developing babies smile in the womb. #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Tooth whitening is fun and safe. Using the proper whitening products, the material permeates the enamel and whitens the teeth. #Crest Whitestrips or the products we offer can help you achieve the smile you want. Many whitening toothpastes can remove the enamel surface and cause sensitivity so avoid using them all the time. #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Comet, Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. See it while you can because it won't return for another 80,000 years. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"This is a wonderful day; I have never seen this one before" - Maya Angelou #mondaymotivation #Dentist #Recknageldds

I received a surprise gift from the past today - a #birthday card and a book full of photos. The year was 1996, and I was a teacher about to start dental school. I am sharing a photo of my only dunk tank experience. My classroom of children utilized the moment to get even with me! Thank you Leslyn for the memories! #Dentist #Recknageldds

"A good #laugh and a long sleep are two of the best cures for anything." Have a great day! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Sensitive #teeth can be painful. The most common causes are brushing too hard, whitening toothpaste usage and clenching your teeth. A soft bristled brush, avoiding abrasive whitening toothpaste and sensitive toothpaste will solve the problem in many cases. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"A #smile is happiness you'll find right under your #nose." - Tom Wilson - #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds  

The first electric #toothbrush was the Bruxodent, created in #Switzerland in 1954. Using an electric toothbrush can be more gentle on your teeth and gums. There are many great options currently available. #Dentist #Recknageldds  

What's the difference between a #Friday and a Monday? Approximately 72 hours #HaveAGreatWeekend #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Autumn! The greatest show of all times!" -Ildan. Coming soon to a #neighborhood near you! #Dentist #Recknageldds

A Japanese research group is showing that Matcha, a finely ground green tea powder, when added to a mouthwash may help reduce the presence of one of the bacterias associated with #Periodontal Disease. Research is ongoing for now. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

I sneak between your #teeth with grace; dance away debris from every space. What am I? #DentalRiddle #Recknageldds

"Do good and #good will come to you." - Adam Lowy #Truth #Recknageldds #Dentist

A #smile cost nothing, but gives so much! #ValueOfASmile #Recknageldds #Dentist

The #dentist told me I should floss. I told him I already did - at the dance last weekend! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Don't ever disrespect an old-fashioned #dentist, they will tell you to wash your #mouth out with soap! #yuk #Recknageldds

"Either you run the day, or the day runs you!"Jim Rohn #Monday is complete and there is rain in my pic. Soon! #Dentist #Recknageldds  

#Smile to the world and the #world will smile back. #Dentist #Recknageldds

It has been a busy #Birthday week. Happy Birthday Beth and Tori! Birthday goodies of no-bake cookies and banana pudding was enjoyed by all. #Dentist #Recknageldds  

You may not be aware of this, but it is #NationalPotatoDay! A #patient, with a "Mr. potato-head" styled mustache, carried in a bag of potatoes to give to the staff. Mine had artwork on it! #Monday #Recknageldds

 Be very careful! If you get #sensitivetoothpaste for sensitive teeth, make sure there is NO whitening. This one has "Extra Whitening" and it can neutralize the beneficial properties of the sensitive #toothpaste. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

A flossing alternative. For $4.78 at #WalMart, Gripper floss with handles. Let me know if you have used it and if it works! #Dentist #Recknageldds  

What do #dentists have in the garden? Dentistrees and implants #Funny #Recknageldds

Our office mascot wishes you a fantastic weekend. Enjoy the cooler #weather. #Dentist #Recknageldds

I got a very nice card yesterday. Being recognized for what I do and love is very nice! #THANKS #Dentist #Recknageldds

Beautiful hot #summer day in #colorado. I attended a 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend. Colorado is amazing. #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Fluoride comes from the Fluorite crystal and it helps protect teeth. It is a naturally occurring mineral that builds strong teeth and helps prevent cavities. #DontForgetToBrush #Dentist #Recknageldds

I know you would not use this wired bristled #brush on your #teeth. Avoid damage caused by scrubbing and always use a soft bristled #toothbrush. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"Candy is natures way for making up for #Mondays" - Rebecca Gober - #DontForgetToBrush #Dentist #Recknageldds  

"A perfect #summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing and the lawn mower is broken." -James Dent Have a great weekend! #Dentist #Recknageldds

I work with a great team of employees. I asked for a little help. Not only did I get the help, I got an #art project as well. #Fun #Dentist #Recknageldds

Doing what you like is #freedom. Liking what you do is happiness. I like what I do! #Dentist #Recknageldds

I saw this on my drive to the #office this morning. Have a great day! #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds 

WaterPik water flosser. It is on a great sell during #amazondeals2024. If you have ever wanted to get one, today is the day. #KeepThemClean #Dentist #Recknageldds

 A #tooth has 3 main parts. Use a soft bristled #toothbrush and avoid whitening toothpastes to protect the outside or enamel of your teeth. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

A fun week with a #baby shower/lunch for Brittany and Maddy. Baby boys are due in August. #Dentist #Summerbabies #Recknageldds 

Find something to spark laughter daily. There are so many benefits from laughing. Laughter has been shown to increase immunity, provide better sleep, lower stress levels and improve heart health. #LaughMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

 "Some of the best memories are made in flip-flops." - Kellie Elmore #SummerTime #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Happy #fourthofjuly! Protect your #teeth (and maybe your eyes and fingers) this year. #BeSafe #Dentist #Recknageldds 

I'm doing my part to beat the heat. Fresh #watermelon and #cantaloupe for the staff this morning. #SummerTime #Dentist #Recknageldds  

#Tooth sensitivity? Give this a try. This toothpaste contains Novamin, an active ingredient that builds a repairing layer over the vulnerable and sensitive areas of your teeth. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Friendly #dental advice: Brush your #teeth at night to keep your teeth. Brush your teeth in the morning to keep your friends! #Humor #Dentist #Recknageldds 

While manual #flossing is always best, a rechargeable #WaterPik with a capful of your favorite mouthwash is a good alternative. #KeepThemClean #Dentist #Recknageldds

"I always arrive late at the #office, but I make up for it by leaving early" -Charles Lamb. Actually, it is the opposite but I like the way he thinks! #Dentist #Recknageldds

A toothbrush can harbor a bacteria or virus. A #toothbrush can be sanitized or cleaned. Sometimes it is best to just replace it. When in doubt just throw it out. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Gum disease (or Periodontitis) is a leading cause of #tooth loss! See your #DentalHygienist regularly to keep your mouth healthy. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

What is one thing that makes you #smile without fail? #Dentist #Recknageldds 

My #dentist asked me to open up, but I don't know him well enough to confide in him. #Recknageldds #DentalFunny  

"I told my #dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie." - Rodney Dangerfield #Fridayfunny #Recknageldds

"A #smile is a facelift that's in everyone's price range!" Tom Wilson #Smilemore #Dentist #Recknageldds 

A #patient was asked if they flossed between meals. The patient's quirky response was no, between the teeth. #mondayhumor #dentist #recknageldds

Laughter is my coping mechanism for even the cloudiest days. #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds 

 Another #smile super power. If you are feeling down in the dumps, a smile can boost your mood! #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

Your #smile has #SuperPowers! Smiling can induce more pleasure than a chocolate bar and it can also boost your mood. #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

The only part of your body that can not repair itself is a #tooth. Take good care of them! #Dentist #Recknageldds

What kind of filling did the little #boy want for his cavity? #Chocolate #DentalFunny #Recknageldds

#Toothpaste has many uses, but keeping your #teeth clean still remains the most common usage. #Dentist #Recknageldds

I don't hate #Mondays, but I do get frustrated when they shorten a great weekend! #Dentist #Recknageldds

For optimal #dental health, see your #DentalHygienist at least two times a year. Clean your teeth two times a day or more using a soft-bristled brush with a non-abrasive tooth paste. Your oral health affects your overall health. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 "The #storm starts, when the drops start dropping. When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping." - Dr. Seuss The rain is important be aware of the other excitement this day may bring. #BeSafe #Recknageldds #Dentist 

"I walk around like everything's fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off." - Anonymous #StillSmiling #Dentist #Recknageldds

What #games do some #dentists play as children? Caps and Robbers #Recknageldds

If a kid has 25 #candy bars and they eat 22 of them, what do they have? Cavities! #Dentist #Recknageldds

"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." - Tom Wilson #PositiveThoughts #Dentist #Recknageldds

I have a new name to add to the list. According to a 4 year old patient and until further notice, I will be known to him as “Dr. Recks”. I was Mr. R and Mr. Rectangle as a teacher and sometimes as a dentist I get “D.R.” or “Dr. R”. I enjoy them all. #Dentist #FridayFun #Recknageldds

 #Dental mouthguard. An inexpensive way to protect your valuable #smile! #ProtectThem #Recknageldds 

"#Love conquers all things except poverty and a toothache" -unknown #Dentist #Recknageldds We had our own fun today. #Dentist #Recknageldds #EclipseSolar2024

It's #Friday! "The suspense is terrible, I hope it'll last." -Willy Wonka #Dentist #GiveYourCPAaHug #Recknageldds

Your #mouth produces an average of 10,000 gallons of spit during a lifetime. #Gross #Dental #FunFact #Recknageldds

Just another #Monday. But, several staff members called in sick today. I arrived early to make a plan for the missing employees and to get the day going and they all arrived to work. #AprilFools prank and they got me good! Watch your back and I hope your day is uneventful! #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Happy #Easter weekend! Family time, good weather, Easter eggs and maybe some candy. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

 The #OnCue sign's message today said, "#Spring is finally here, what a re-leaf!" Warm days are ahead of us! #Dentist #Recknageldds #Pun

Chewing a sugar-free gum after a meal helps remove plaque, but nothing comes close to a regular #dental cleaning routine and brushing your #teeth at least two times a day. #KeepThemClean #Recknageldds  

An #OklahomaRedBud with the sun shining through it. This picture doesn't capture the brilliance! #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Oklahoma didn't get enough #snow this year, so I went to the snow. #FamilyTime #Mountains  

If a tooth is lost, what are your options? Here is an article by #Colgate that gives three great options. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 "The best thing about the #future is that it comes one day at a time." Abraham Lincoln #Dentist #Recknageldds

The after-work #sunshine is SO nice, but I am too tired to enjoy it! Spring will officially be here next week. #BestTimeOfTheYear #dentist #Recknageldds

We have a new visitor! What could possibly go wrong?! Have a great weekend! #Friday #Dentist #Recknageldds

A #tuba toothpaste. What a tuba player would buy at the pharmacy. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Happy #LeapYear2024! I have been practicing #dentistry for 6 #leapyears. That sounds weird! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Your #toothpaste could be making your teeth more sensitive. Avoid the abrasive whitening toothpastes if sensitivity is occurring. #SensitiveToothpaste #Dentist #Recknageldds 

 It's #Monday, but keep on smiling. It is February and it will be a record high of 84 today! #Swimming?Anyone #Dentist #Recknageldds

I saw this quote today: "As much as we like to moan about the icy winds and sunless skies, the #winter brings a calmness to the world" Oops! The last few days have been great! #Weekend #Recknageldds #Dentist

Humans have two sets of #teeth; primary and adult. Each tooth has a specific location and job. Keeping each tooth healthy helps with your overall health and many other ways. #KeepThemClean #Recknageldds #Dentist

"A #smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose!" -Tom Wilson #Monday #Recknageldds #Dentist

Cupid made an appearance today. Arrows were flying and a few arrows made a direct hit. #Love is in the air! #HappyValentine’sDay #Dentist #Reckngeldds

My view this morning is nice! I just need a #RedCardinal to land on the tree. #snow #Dentist #Recknageldds

Our younger patients have the option to get a pen, squishy toy, a ball or other fun items on the way out after their appointments. It was so hard telling a 4 year-old yesterday that we did not have “Taptoos” on the shelf! It made me #smile! #Dentist #Friday #Recknageldds

#Teeth are considered to be a part of the digestive system. Healthy teeth prepare your food for swallowing and digestion. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Your #smile brightens the lives of all who see it!" -Dale Carnegie #Smilemore #Recknageldds #Dentist

 Heater in the morning and air conditioner in the afternoon. Crazy #weather! 72 will be amazing! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

There is so much to smile about. Go out and share a #smile today. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"A #smile is the best makeup any girl can wear!" Unknown. #SmileMore #Friday #Dentist #Recknageldds

Happy #tooth, happy tooth, shiny and bright. Brushing and flossing keeps me healthy and white. #Dentist #Poetry #Recknageldds

If your #teeth are sensitive during cold weather, it could be your toothpaste causing the issue. Whitening toothpaste can make your teeth more sensitive to cold air. Give #SensitiveToothpaste a try. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Ice and easy does it. I hope that is all of the ice we get this season. Be safe out there! #Dentist #Recknageldds #ProtectThoseTeeth 

 MYTH! "Brushing harder is better" Brushing harder or with a hard bristled brush can be VERY damaging. It removes the enamel from your #teeth and hurts your gum tissue. #BeGentle #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Why do our #teeth chatter when we are cold? Shivering is a response that helps increase our body's core temperature. When your body contracts and relaxes the muscles rapidly (chattering of the teeth), this generates heat. #Amazing #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Drink more #water! It is a common statement, but it is so good for your dental hygiene and #tooth health. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Dentistry has been a great profession for me. If you are interested in #dentistry, research the topic or ask me about it the next time you are in the office. #Recknageldds #Teeth #Dentist

Every time you brush, a small amount of tooth #enamel is removed. The least abrasive technique for brushing is always recommended. Soft bristle brush and minimize usage of whitening toothpastes! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

The animal with the most teeth is the Umbrella Sea Slug with 750,000 #teeth! Most humans have 52 teeth in their lifetime. Always remember to take the best care of the adult teeth you have and get. #Dentist #Recknagel 

I have a #SweetTooth! As Spider-Man's spidey-senses are activated, I am ready for the #sweets of #Christmas2023! Enjoy this wonderful time of the year. #Dentist #Recknageldds  

Barber-surgeon! Until the nineteenth century, a #barber had a variety of duties including hair care, pulling #teeth, cutting out hangnails, setting fractures and other varying duties. No haircuts will be completed here! #Dentist #Recknageldds   

The most common chronic #disease of children in the US is decay. Monitor sugar intake from sugary drinks, sweet foods and candy to minimize the issues related to cavities. #Dentist #Recknageldds  

On my #Christmas list this year. Actually this #Lego set does not exist. This is only an AI generated image, but I would enjoy assembling it! #NotMyPhoto #Dentist #Recknageldds

Cleaning orthodontic retainers, aligner trays or other oral devices like dentures is important. Use the cleaning tablets to prevent the #bacteria that likes to grow on them. I have attached some helpful cleaning tablet information. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Clean #teeth are important. A #hygienist’s main goal is to remove plaque and tartar build up on the teeth and below the gums to avoid unwanted gum disease and tooth loss. Mouth health is important. #KeepThemClean #Dentist #Recknageldds

"I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, #happy and I am loved." Reba McEntire. Next week will be nice. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"A genuine #smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good #dental care" Wayne Chirisa #Recknageldds

My view at work today is full of #fall colors. The #CottonWood tree is glowing! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Enamel is the outside hard covering of your #tooth. It requires protection from sugar and plaque buildup by daily brushing at least two times a day. Once the enamel is gone, it can not be replaced. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Choosing a toothpaste can be daunting. Look for the #AmericanDentalAssociation seal of approval and a toothpaste containing fluoride. If your teeth are sensitive, avoid whitening toothpastes and try one of the many sensitive toothpastes. #KeepThemClean #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Did you hear about the manicurist and #Dentist that were dating? It was a rough relationship because they fought #tooth and nail. #MondayHumor #Recknageldds  

What did the #dentist shout in the courtroom? You can't handle the #tooth! #DadJoke #Dentist #Recknageldds

The power of a #smile. Smiling induces more pleasure in the brain than chocolate. And, chocolate is amazing! #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds  

The year was 2000 and I was a new #dentist in #enidoklahoma. My wife made my "Department of Dental Corrections" costume. It came complete with shackles and chains. #HalloweenMemory #Recknageldds #TimeFlies

#Flossing IS important. If you can't do it daily, 3 to 5 times a week will help. Using a #toothbrush alone does not get all of the hard to reach areas in your mouth. #KeepThemClean #Dentist #Recknageldds

"A #smile is a facelift in everyone's price range!" - Tom Wilson. Use it often! #dentist #Recknageldds 

A healthy #smile is a beautiful smile. #Dentist #Recknageldds

My kryptonite! The staff brought in donuts and a fruit bouquet! Yum! #BestStaff #OctoberBirthdays #Dentist #Recknageldds 

What is the best #dental plan for an elephant with a toothache? Give it plenty of room! #MondayFunny #Recknageldds

One of the longest words is #smiles! It has a #mile between the two s's. #Dentist #Recknageldds

It is best to use a soft bristled #toothbrush. The soft bristles provide excellent cleaning without causing damage. Too much pressure while brushing can cause a lot of damage to your gums and teeth. #dentist #recknageldds

#Smiling is a superpower! Smiling elevates your mood and the moods of others. Smiling is also contagious! Use your smile whenever you can! #Dentist #Recknageldds

For trivia purposes! The #Tooth Fairy concept originated in Europe in the 1200's. The current average per tooth amount is $5.36 per tooth. That is approximately $107.20 per mouth. #KidsAreExpensive #Dentist #Recknageldds 

As far as #teeth are concerned, humans are diphyodonts. We have two sets of teeth. The practice set and the perfect set. Take good care of all of your teeth. #Dentist #Recknageldds  

#Dental Myth: "Dental health doesn't affect my overall health" False! Poor oral health can create heart disease and other health issues. Bacteria from the mouth can travel throughout your body creating many issues. #KeepThemHealthy #Recknageldds

I had a patient ask me what her #teeth will be like when she gets old. I have good news! Age does not condemn your teeth. Brush two times a day, minimize sugar intake and floss daily and you will have your teeth for a lifetime. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Be true to your #teeth and they won't be false to you" -Soupy Sales #Dentist #Recknageldds

I had a patient tell me I can be sarcastic. Just for the record, I am not sarcastic while I am sleeping! #Humor lightens the situation. #Dentist #Recknageldds

What to do if a #tooth is knocked out. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"What big #teeth you have!" comes from which popular fairy tale? #Dentist #Recknageldds

Where does the #dentist get his gas from? A filling station of course. #DentalHumor #Recknageldds

"Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day" - Dalai Lama Have a great #Monday. #Dentist #Recknageldds

What kind of #teeth can you buy with a dollar? Buck teeth of course! Have a great day! #Dentist #Recknageldds

An occasional #sugar drink is fine. Sipping and large consumptions of acidic and sugary drinks can create a lot of problems with your #teeth. #Dentist #Recknageldds

It's #Monday again. I am here to remind you to brush two times a day and be very careful with your sugar intake. Other than that, have a great week! #SugarCanBeBad #Dentist #Recknageldds

A laugh is just a #smile that lost control! Have a great weekend. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Your #smile is unique. Challenge yourself to use it and get others to smile back at you. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

How much #toothpaste should I use? A pea sized amount will do it! But, use the amount you want and brush at least two times a day. #Dentist #Recknageldds

What kind of filling did the little boy want for his cavity? Chocolate #DentalHumor #Dentist #Recknageldds #Yum 

Every #day may not be good. But there is good in every day. The #weather is amazing today! Enjoy. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Juice, soda and ice cream are great. But, too much of a great thing can be harmful to your #teeth. #Dentist #Recknageldds

Be the reason someone #smiles today! #Recknageldds #Dentist

#Dentist, tooth doctor, #doctor of dental surgery or dental health professional. I respond to several names and I am here for you. #Recknageldds

Delaying treatment can create a more costly outcome. Timely treatment and preventative dentistry saves you #time and money. #Dentist #Recknageldds

If you had to choose only one, what would you choose? Summer or Winter? #Dentist #hot #Recknageldds

I had five patients come in this week that are in their 90’s. They were born in the late 1920’s and the early 1930’s. Think of all of the #history and stories they could share. #Respect #recknageldds

Do you think if #dental floss tasted like #bacon it would get used more? We may never know! #Recknageldds

A #patient wore this shirt in the other day. It is hard to comprehend! #ClassOf2037 #Recknageldds

Paul Revere, famous for his "Midnight Ride" to warn the colonial militia, was trained as a #dentist. #History #Recknageldds #FunFact

#AI (Artificial Intelligence) could impact #dentistry in the future. Scheduling, diagnosis, health updates and possibly assisting the #dentist are a few of the areas it could impact. #Future #Recknageldds

A #cavity is simply a hole in your #tooth. Excess #sugar and lack of cleaning your teeth accelerates their formation. #KeepThemClean #Recknageldds

Never underestimate the power of a great #smile! #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Time is the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. When I have to explain what "The Waltons" is indicates there has been some progression! #Wow #TimeFlies #Recknageldds #Dentist

FYI: the cordless battery operated water flosser is on sale at Amazon. Clean your teeth and leave the mess in the shower. #ImABeliever #Dentist #Recknageldds #waterpik 

Who wins in a #fight between #Friday and #Saturday? Saturday, because Friday is a weak day. #Dentist #Recknageldds

The # symbol is not actually called pound or hashtag. It's official name is Octothorpe. #FunFact #Dentist #Recknageldds

The "Dog Days of Summer" are officially here. #summertime #Recknageldds #Dentist

#Enamel is the hardest part of your #body. But, it can degrade over time and needs care and protection. #KeepThemClean #Dentist #Recknageldds

Clean #teeth and healthy gums are vital to your overall #health. See your #dentist and #hygienist on a regular basis! #Recknageldds

It's #Monday but keep on smiling! #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

What is #red and bad for your #teeth? A brick #NotGood #Recknageldds #Dentalhumor

#Gatorade, #powerade and #BodyArmor are all great drinks on hot #summer days. Be careful with the #sugar added in these drinks. Avoid sipping on sugary drinks to minimize cavities. #Dentist #Recknageldds

What do you call a dentist's #advice? A floss-ophy. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Having one #child makes you a parent. Having two kids makes you a referee." - David Frost What about four?#CrazyORFortunate #happyfathersday2023 #Dentist #Recknageldds

Prevention is vital in #dentistry. Keeping regular visits with your dental hygienist and #dentist prevents gum issues and helps keep small issues from becoming big issues. #KeepThemHealthy #Recknageldds

#Water is a superior beverage! It is sugar-free, it keeps your mouth moist and it helps rinse away food particles and bacteria away from teeth. #BeGoodToYourself #Dentist #Recknageldds

Bad #breath can occur. Brushing, flossing and regular #dental visits should take care of the problem. #Recknageldds

Share a #smile today! It actually takes more energy to frown. #SaveEnergy #Dentist #Recknageldds

"A #smile is a facelift that's in everyone's price range!" Tom Wilson. #UseItMore #Recknageldds

 The perfect #dental bumper sticker! "I've got 99 problems but my teeth ain't one of them" #Humor #Recknageldds

A #patient called our safety glasses "Sexy" today. I would say functional yes, but I will let you decide on the "sexy" label! #Wednesday #Dentist #Recknageldds #SafetyFirst

Children are more likely to get cavities than adults. The outer cover, or enamel, is thinner on a baby #tooth. #MinimizeSweets #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Brittany came to work with a #hitchhiker. This sock was stuck to her clothes from being in the dryer together. A loving reminder and a big #smile as she thought about her son. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Compliment someone. You'll feel better than they do!" - Lindsey L. Indiana #Dentist #Recknageldds #QuoteOfTheDay 

Why should you be true to your #teeth? So, they won't be false to you! #Dentaljoke #Recknageldds

 Brush, brush, brush your #teeth, at least twice a day. Floss them and take care of them. They will stay healthy this way! #DentalPoem #Recknageldds

"Don't count the days. Make the days count." - Muhammad Ali #Monday #Dentist #Recknageldds

Cordless and rechargeable #WaterPik. A great option for keeping your gums healthy! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Early #dentists thought tooth decay was caused by tooth worms! We now know that sugar and bacteria create acid, which causes decay. #DontForgetToBrush #Recknageldds

I'm feeling an attitude of gratitude for this #sunshine. More please! #Recknageldds #Dentist

What does a #dentist call an astronaut's #cavity? A black hole. #Recknageldds

Have you ever #smiled so much your cheeks hurt? That is a good day! #SmileMore #Recknageldds #Dentist

One of the greatest advancements in #dentistry is the #dental implant. Give a loose denture a solid attachment or replace one or more missing teeth. #Amazing #Recknageldds

#Smile and be happy. It is good for your health! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Is it good or bad that I had to explain today who Evel Knievel was? #Daredevil #Recknageldds #Dentist

A pick-up line only a #dentist could use. "You're so sweet I'm getting cavities!" #Recknageldds #DentalJOKE

A #tooth has three layers. Tooth pain can occur after the acid from bacteria creates a hole (cavity) and it completely penetrates the enamel. #Ouch #KeepThemClean #DrinkWater #Dentist #Recknageldds

This guy is ready for #summer with his fancy #haircut! #Dentist #Recknageldds #fun

Whiten and brighten your #teeth for #summertime! It is safe, fun and effective. #Dentist #GoTray

The #future of dentistry is looking towards prevention. It would be great to have fewer cavities and less periodontal disease! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Plaque is wack! So #Floss like a boss! #Flossweek #Dentist #Recknageldds

Never #floss with a stranger. #Monday #Recknageldds #Dentist

Start your day with some #humor. It will create a big #smile, reduce stress and improve your mood! #Dentist #Recknageldds

 This post might age you! A #patient brought this in today and my staff did not know what it was. #35mmfilm container. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Replace your #toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or sooner if you have been sick. I will give you a new one each time you come into the office. #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Life's like a movie, write your own ending . . ." -Kermit the frog #KermitsRight #Dentist #Recknageldds

I have a patient that starts wearing her sandals in #February. She told me one time that once they come out she is fully committed to #SummerTime and she won’t go back. #Brrrr #Dentist #Recknageldds

 I have been loosely using my #favorite "F" word today! "Floss" that is. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Being able to #exercise your options with a "Snooze Bar" is always nice after experiencing the changes of #daylightsavings2023. #Wednesday #Recknageldds

 I finally got "a round tuit" today! I hope your #week is also going great. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

What is the best thing to put into pizza? Your #teeth! True statement! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Toothpaste has many uses.

"If you've put a #smile on someone's face today, you've done more good that you know." -Richelle E. Goodrich #Dentist #Reckngeldds

 3 oral conditions that most affect overall #health and quality of life: cavities, gum disease and #tooth loss. #dentist #Recknageldds

 How are false #teeth like the stars? They both come out at #night! #Dentist #Recknageldds #Dentalhumor

Tooth pics! What a #dentist calls an x-ray. #Dentalhumor #Recknageldds #HaveAGreatWeek

Cold #weather can be helpful! It helps you think more clearly, can help you burn more calories, helps with allergies, may reduce inflammation and sleep can be improved. #Dentist #Recknageldds #ConvincingMyself

What did the #candy say to the #tooth? Our love is dangerous! #happyvalentinesday #Dentist #Recknageldds

There is nothing better than a #laugh that accelerates and grows to the point you can barely breathe and you can't catch your breath. #BestMedicine #Dentist #Recknageldds

"I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort." -Zach Galifianakis #FridayFunny #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Each can of #DrPepper (Coke, Pepsi, Sprite and others) contains more than 10 packets of sugar. Sipping on one can of a sugary drink like this throughout the day compounds a cavity problem because the teeth are constantly being covered in sugar. #BeGoodToYourself #dentist #Recknageldds

A young patient was told he needed a filling. When asked what kind of filling he wanted in his tooth, the patient stated, "Chocolate!" #Yum #Dentist #recknageldds

Pre-dental appointment conversation with a 9 year-old son. Tobias (aka Monster) is smart! #BrushMore #Recknageldds #Dentist

I sometimes say, "This dental chair is as slow as #ketchup!" I guess I am showing my age because not all readers are going to understand. #Dentist #TheStruggleIsReal #Recknageldds

"There is no winter without #snow, no #spring without sunshine and no happiness without companions." -Korean Proverb #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"Taking naps sounds so childish. I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses."-unknown. A #daily horizontal life pause sounds great! #Dentist #Recknageldds

How does a student #dentist fix a broken tooth? #tooth paste. #DentistJokes #Recknageldds

 "An optimist is the human personification of spring" Susan J. Bissonette - (And of THIS weather). #AmazingWeather #Dentist #Recknageldds

There are SO many #superstitions. #BlackCats and #ladders. People used to believe that it is unlucky to count your teeth. #FridayThe13th #Dentist #Recknageldds

The #winner of the 2022/2023 "Dental Trouble Maker" competition is #PeanutBrittle. Six different patients have experienced #dental related issues due to this holiday treat. #Sticky #Recknageldds #Dentist

Laughter is the best #medicine. But if you laugh for no reason, you may need medicine. #Dentist #Laughmore #Recknageldds

#EnergyDrinks have a lot of sugar. Sipping on any drinks containing sugar will cause cavities. Rinse with #water after consumption or go the sugar-free route. #BeGoodToYourself #Dentist #Recknageldds

"I was going to quit all of my bad habits for the #newyear2023. But, I then remembered that nobody likes a quitter!" #Dad joke #Dentist #Recknageldds

"#Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you #sleep alone." - Anthony Burgess #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Time flies. 27 years ago I was a fifth-grade teacher at #MustangCreek elementary. 9 months before I started #dental school. #Recknageldds

 70% of #tooth loss is due to gum #disease. Regular #dental visits and good home care can reduce the likelihood of tooth problems! #YouCanDoIt #Recknageldds

#Monday is a state of mind. Put on your #positive pants and get stuff done. #Dentist #Recknageldds

I am probably biased but an electric #toothbrush would make a great #Christmas gift. Be kind to you teeth! #Sonicare #OralB #Dentist #Recknageldds

A good #laugh can be a cure for just about anything! Have a good #Monday. #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Baby teeth are important! They help with chewing and speaking, but most importantly they maintain space for the adult teeth that will erupt later in life. #KeepThemHealthy #Dentist #Recknageldds

An adult #bear has 42 #teeth. Their teeth are actually longer than their claws! They also have twice as many premolars as a human. #FunFacts #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Don’t choose favorites. All #teeth deserve to be brushed, flossed and cared for! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Quote of the day. “I use it a lot!” - A patient’s response when I told her she has a nice #smile. #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Teeth start to develop even before you are born. #Baby teeth start developing as a baby in the womb and first appear in the mouth between 6-12 months of age. Teeth are amazing! #Dentist #Recknageldds

What is good about #wind? Wind helps plant growth. Wind power is helpful. Sailboats need wind. Wind creates lift for airplanes. Enough positivity. Maybe tomorrow will be sunny, 78 and a light breeze! Enjoy your weekend. #Dentist #Recknageldds

“I like BIG #smiles and I can not lie!” Dr. Chris Recknagel - Quote of the week! #Dentist #Recknageldds

When asked how a patient’s #teeth were doing, he said, “He wanted to complain and let me know they are working too well and he is putting on weight!” I just laughed. That is much better problem than the alternative. Have a great week! #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different . . ." - C.S. Lewis. So many changes in #dentistry! #Recknageldds #Time

#HappyHalloween Do you know the standard pillow case can hold over 1,600 pieces of #candy! That is something everyone needs to know! Enjoy your day! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

I know every day is a #gift but where is Monday's receipt? I want to return it for another #Friday! #Weekend #SmileMore #Dentist #Recknageldds

Research has shown that an electric #toothbrush works better and does a better job of cleaning than a manual toothbrush. There are many to choose from. I like the #Sonicare and the #OralBElectricToothbrush. Keep your #teeth clean and healthy! #Dentist #Recknageldds

The “C” word! #Cancer can occur in and around your mouth. The rule to follow for oral cancer; if you have a lump or sore that does not heal within 10-14 days, have it evaluated. #Simple #TakeCareOfYourself #Recknageldds #Dentist

 #Fluoride is used to prevent cavities in dentistry. Fluoride interferes with the metabolic pathways of bacteria, therefore helping the #tooth become more resistant to acid attack. #Dentist #Recknageldds #NoCavities

Congratulations to the Mustang and Yukon High School Marching Bands. They both competed and made it to the finals in a St. Louis, Missouri Super Regional Marching competition. A lot of hard work and talent that was recognized this weekend. #Congrats #Dentist #Recknageldds #BOA

What does the world's top #dentist get? A little plaque! #Recknageldds #joke

#Smile when it rains. We need it. #Recknageldds #Dentist

Many of today’s tooth fillings are composites. A #composite is a #tooth colored resin based material with quartz or silica added for strength. Other filling options are amalgam (metal filling), #gold and porcelain. #Dentist #Recknageldds

This is a NO #frown Tuesday! Be careful, your face could get stuck that way! #Dentist #Recknageldds #SmileMore

A #Smile expresses delight, happiness, joy and amusement. #Dentist #Recknageldds#Friday sees more #smiles than any other day of the workweek. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

40 years ago, over-the-counter medication packaging was changed to make it safer! Cyanide-laced Tylenol killed 7 people. I remember it being a scary time. #MedHistory #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Admit it, at some point in your life you have tried to see if you have super powers. #NoSuperPowersHere #Dentist #Recknageldds

What should a #dentist do for a bear with a terrible toothache? Anything it wants! #Recknageldds #Fall

 A great smile is important. A #smile is one of the first ways to communicate with other people. #SmileMore #dentist #recknageldds

Patients with Periodontal Disease (disease of the gum tissue) are 2x more likely to develop heart disease. Regular cleanings, brushing and flossing will help you avoid more serious issues. #Dentist #Recknageldds #KeepThemClean 

Many changes have occurred at the #OKStateFair over the years! What are you looking forward to this year? The #fair starts today! #Dentist #Recknageldds

The #OKC fair is almost here and so is cotton candy. Did you know the machine to make cotton candy was co-invented by a #dentist! Enjoy the fair! I like the #IndianTaco. #Recknageldds 

Just #smile, it is easier! It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile. #Dentist #Recknageldds #SmileMore

I hope that your weekend is worth the wait. Enjoy! #AlmostFall #Dentist #Recknageldds #Football

Sad day for the #UnitedKingdom! I was fortunate to be at the #Queens Jubilee in June and I took these photos. I got to be a tiny part of the history of the royal family. #queenelizabeth #Dentist #Recknageldds

There is no #vaccine for a #smile. Contaminate as many people as you can! #Dentist #Recknageldds

An #Oklahoma sunset. They are hard to capture and they never last long enough! #Dentist #Recknageldds #Amazing

Kaci shared her badge while she was in the office this week. #BeHappy today! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

When an emoji just won't express what you are trying to say. Have a great #Monday. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Since I work with women all day I want you to know there are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works. I really work with a great group! Have a great day. #GirlStaff #Dentist #Recknageldds

I want to recognize and congratulate Bethany. She has officially started Dental Hygiene School at the University Of Oklahoma Dental School. She will be a great hygienist. #dentalnerd #Dentist #Recknageldds

#HappyBirthday to Tori. Tori is one of our #hygienists. Brownies and a birthday lunch. It was a nice day. #Dentist #Recknageldds

I really could get used to this! These #Fall days have been great! No more #100s! #Dentist #RecknagelddsI read yesterday that a man can make a tube of #toothpaste last 7 years! Why is this a challenge and how is that possible? #Dentist #Recknageldds

Progress? The area east of the office is being cleared. What would be something #fun to build in this area? #ChickenRestaurant #Dentist #Recknageldds

Great way to start my #Monday. The animals are enjoying the cooler #weather as well! Have a great week. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 No-Bake cookies! They didn't last long. Have a great weekend. #Friday #Dentist #Sugar #Recknageldds #SweetTooth

Great morning for a #HotAirBalloon ride! Have you done it? Would you do it? #NoWind #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"Be #happy - it drives people crazy." -unknown Have a great week! #Dentist #Recknageldds #Monday

A fun #dental anomaly is Migratory Glossitis aka Geographic Tongue. It is a harmless condition affecting the surface of the tongue in 2% of the population. #Dentist #Recknageldds #tongue

 "The best way to appreciate your #job is to imagine yourself without one" -Oscar Wilde - I appreciate the job I have and always attempt to make it comfortable for my patients! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Smiling reduces stress that your body and mind feel! The next time #stress happens, put on a #smile! What can it hurt? #Dentist #Recknageldds

Official taste test! My patient Shayna wanted me to try #CokeZero and #DietCoke and see which one I liked. They are both great. What is the difference and how do they do it? Thanks for the drinks Shayna. #SugarFree #OnCue

 Putting a #smile on someone's face is the most satisfying feeling. #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Dentists brighten up the world, one smile at a time! #Recknageldds #smilemore

I got the look #today. The look you might get when you mention something from the past and no one knows what you are talking about. It happens all the time! #CarbonPaper #RecordAdaptor #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"Welcome to #friday. In preparation for takeoff, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed. I expect sunshine and good attitudes today for our trip. Enjoy the ride." -unknown #Dentist #Recknageldds

"It's #summer. If you aren't wearing sandals, you may be overdressed" -unknown #Dentsit #Recknageldds

Be careful when using #WhiteningToothpaste. It is not a metal grinder but it can remove the enamel of your tooth and make your teeth very sensitive. #Dentist #Recknageldds

A cute story if you haven't seen it yet. #ToothFairy #Dentist #Recknageldds

#WaterPik. A very good way to clean your teeth when floss is not available. Don't forget to brush. #Sams #Costco #UseInTheShower #Dentist #Recknageldds

After a very nice holiday weekend with my #family, waking up to start a work week can be difficult. I have a great job and a I live in a great country. Have a great week! #Dentist #Recknageldds

We had a fruity #birthday celebration today! And No, "No-bake" cookies are NOT considered a fruit. #HealthyBirthday#Dentist #Recknageldds

 A #dental sealant is a protective coating that is painted into the deep grooves of premolars and molar #teeth. The sealant is applied after the teeth first erupt. Sealants decrease the risk of tooth decay by 80%. #Recknageldds

Your fingers have fingertips but your toes don’t have toetips! But, you can tiptoe while you can’t tipfinger. Have a great week! #Dentist #Recknageldds

I receive a letter yearly. Coffee was spilled on the paper. The spill was clearly marked. We are all safe! #Coffee #Dentist #Recknageldds #FridayFunny

#Dental implants are a great option for a single tooth replacement as well as securing dentures. The first implants in history were carved bamboo pegs made in china. #Dental #Recknageldds

We just experienced the longest day of the year! Welcome to #summer! In Sweden they eat the first strawberries of the season, your shadow is the shortest of the year at noon and in Alaska they play a baseball game at night due to the extended daylight. #LongestDay #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Love conquers all things except poverty and a toothache. - Author unknown #Dentist #Recknageldds

#SleepApnea affects 25% of men and 10% of women. If you snore, stop breathing while sleeping or have excessive sleepiness throughout the day, you may have sleep apnea. #dentist #Recknageldds

 "I'm glad it's finally hot enough to complain about how hot it is." - Anonymous This is so true. Have a great week! #Dentist #Recknageldds #summertime

A money savings plan just for you! To prevent cavities and the need for dental treatment, avoid sipping on sugary drinks and avoid the consumption of any sugar over long periods of time. #Easy #Dentist #Recknageldds

 "Some days, the best thing about the #job is that the chairs spin." - unknown. We have a lot of great days! I can always go spin for fun if needed. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early!" - Charles Lamb #NotTrue #IAmHereForYou #dentist #Recknageldds  

Serious contemplation is occurring in this #photo. Why is there a water droplet on my beak and why is there NO food in the bird feeder? #RainyDayProblems #Dentist #Recknageldds #Blurryphoto

The word of the day is “Recovery”. Defined as what you do on a #Monday after a very busy end-of-school year week and a weekend of graduations. Have a great week and summer. #Dentist #Recknageldds

During a non-dental related seminar, the door prize went to an individual with #dental #floss with them. I was surprised how many people had floss. Would you have been a winner? #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Office mascot of the day. Our rabbit is using camouflage and blending in with the tree. #Dentist #Recknageldds #YouCantSeeMe  

Rule to live by: Never start a new week or a Monday with a double negative. That would be a no no. #mondayhumor #Dentist #Recknageldds

A soft bristled #toothbrush is always recommended. Medium and hard bristles can create a problem with tissue damage and tooth enamel abrasion. Be nice to yourself! #Monday #Dentist #Recknageldds

Blessed are they who hold lively conversations with the helplessly mute, for they shall be called dentists! -Ann Landers #Dentist #Recknageldds #SoTrue 

#Wednesday is wet but I am dry like my humor! Did you see the new movie about the #tornado? It’s got a great twist! #NoTornadoWednesday #Dentist #Recknageldds

I saw a baby owl in the rain today. It was a moist owlet. #mondayfunny #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Friday is great. But, the best thing about Friday for me is turning off the alarm so it will not wake me on #Saturday. Have a great weekend! #WorkingMan #Dentist #Recknageldds

 #Dogs are great! But, protect your dentures, orthodontic retainers, night-guards and all other #dental devices, because they will eat them. #ExpensiveSnack #Dentist #Recknageldds

 The health of your mouth, teeth and gums can affect your general overall #health. To avoid unwanted health issues, minimize bacetia build-up in your mouth by brushing and flossing daily and see your dentist regularly. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 It's a good #day to have a good day! #Dentist #Recknageldds

When I started, #tongue piercing was popular. I fixed a lot of broken teeth! What current fads will be gone in 5 years? #Dentist #Recknageldds

If there is a lot of #sugar in your diet, daily rinsing with an over-the-counter fluoride (like ACT fluoride) along with brushing and flossing will help minimize cavity formation. #Dentist #Recknageldds #ACTfluoride

Welcome to a new week. Be full of hope, courage and put #smiles on your face every day. #Dentist #Recknageldds #ShareASmile

Girls named Karen sometimes have an unwarranted reputation. I had 3 #Karens in the office at the same time today. Everything went smoothly and I am happy to report they are all very nice people! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Trauma to a #tooth (sporting accident, baby head hitting your teeth, car accident, etc.) can cause a tooth to die and discolor. There are many options for the #treatment of this problem. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Smile at someone tomorrow! "The smallest gestures you do can sometimes carry the most weight" - Joe Vitale #dentist #Recknageldds

In the past two weeks, two young patients have had traumatic accidents. When #teeth hit on the metal poles of a trampoline or the wood floor of a basketball court, bad can happen! I have attached a good article to review in case a tooth comes all the way out. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Of the 12 most dangerous animal bites, #cat is first and #human is second. Proper disinfection can be difficult following a bite. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

One of the most common diseases in the world is the #dental cavity. Brush twice a day and avoid prolonged contact with sugary foods or drinks. #YouCanDoIt #Recknageldds #dentist 

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!" -Dr. Seuss #Monday #Dentist #Recknageldds

"Knock, knock! Who's there? DISH - Dish who? #Dish is how I talk since I lost my tooth!" #Dentist #Recknageldds 

What do you call a #dentist who isn't a fan of tea? Denis #smile today. #Recknageldds 

You put your tongue out, you put your tongue in, you put your tongue out and you know the rest! A #HokeyPokey kind of a day! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

"#Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's Party!'" - Robin Williams I like that! Have a great day. #Recknageldds #dentist

Today is “National Tooth Fairy Day.” The average #tooth value currently is $5.36 a tooth. And, 54% of children report the Tooth Fairy missed the special event. #Dentist #Recknageldds

To be quite truthful, I was unable to work on #tooth #2 on Tuesday, 2-22-22, but toothfully it was still a great day! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

I had a patient tell me we are going to experience the four seasons again this #week! Shorts today and parka tomorrow. It is so true. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Put on a funny #face and show your #smile because it is friday! Enjoy the weekend! #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Life is better when you are #laughing and #smiling! Enjoy your day. #dentist #Recknageldds 

I often try to cheer myself up by singing when I am having a rough day. Most of the time, it turns out that my voice is worse than my problem! #GottaLaugh #Dentist #Recknageldds

 #Teeth are hard on the outside and soft on the inside. Taking good care of the outside will prevent treatment needs. #dentist #Recknageldds 

I sure could use an additional day between #Sunday and #Monday. Have a great day! #Dentist #Recknageldds

 I'm going to pretend it is #sunny and 75 outside! Stay warm. #Sunset #Recknageldds #dentist

I had an "Antique or Retro" moment today. I was describing a hand-held label maker at our morning meeting. I looked around and saw blank faces! I had to laugh! #Dentist #Recknageldds #wherehasthetimegone

 I had an "Antique or Retro" moment today. I was describing a hand-held label maker at our morning meeting. I looked around and saw blank faces! I had to laugh! #Dentist #Recknageldds #wherehasthetimegone 

I want to thank our delivery driver! She came in with a visor on when it was cloudy outside. The sun is now shining and warmer weather is on the way! #dentist #Recknageldds #powerofpositivethinking

#Teeth are the hardest part of your body and harder than bones. But, once the outside breaks down, a #cavity will form. #TakeCareOfYourTeeth #Recknageldds #dentist

 Don't let your breath speak louder than your words! #KeepThemClean #Recknageldds #dentist 

I got a blast from the past today. This was a thank you note I gave out to my fifth grade students during Christmas time while teaching at #MustangCreek elementary. A former parent brought it to me. Fun! #Dentist #TeachingWasGreat #Recknageldds

 If you are not feeling rested throughout the day. You may have a #sleep apnea issue. Sleep #apnea can affect anyone. Get tested with a simple sleep study! Let me know if you have questions. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

I opened a box over the weekend and a yellow smile was staring back at me. Smiles are important! Use your #smile to brighten someone's day! #Monday #dentist #Recknageldds

 My patient, Angie, brought this in today and gave it to me. It was on her calendar today. Is anyone willing to confess?! Have a great weekend! #Dentist #Recknageldds #Flossmore 

 Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you are donating #blood. Have a great week! #dentist #Recknageldds 

How does the North Pole staff stay safe during the Pandemic? Use a lot of #Santa-tizer! #Dentist #Friday #Recknageldds 

#Smile no matter the situation. Smiles make everyone feel great! #dentist #Recknageldds #ThanksSis 

"I've never been one to bet on the #weather" -Paul Getty. What a great week of beautiful weather we have coming up! Get out and enjoy! #Monday #dentist #Recknageldds  

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no #cure for curiosity." -Dorothy Parker. There is no boredom in #dentristry! #KeepOnLearning #Recknageldds

 After a treatment recommendation is made, a patient will sometimes respond, “It doesn’t hurt so I am going to wait.” Many early issues can be taken care of before pain occurs. Pain in the mouth is expensive. #Dentist #Recknageldds #NoPain #EarlyPrevention

 Baby bottle and bedtime. When #teeth start to appear, a #baby should avoid milk or juice if they use a bottle when going to sleep. "Baby Bottle Decay" can be avoided by using only water at bedtime. If you have questions about this topic, let me know. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 I got to experience the #Talimena scenic drive this last weekend. It is a 54 mile drive from Talihina, OK to Mena, AR. It is a great drive through the Ouachita National Forest. It is worth seeing! #Oklahoma #Dentist #Recknageldds 

One of the office "Chinese Pistache" trees enjoying the cooler weather. #fallcolors #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Many insurance plans expire December 31. Make plans to maximize your #insurance benefits before they are gone! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Dental misconception: "Gum disease is only a concern for your mouth" Bacteria in gum #disease can spread to other parts of your body. Gum disease may be linked to Heart disease, Diabetes and in some forms of cancers. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 3D printing in #Dentistry. The future IS here. #ClearAligners #Nightguards and so much more. #Recknageldds 

What do #dentists hand out at #Halloween? Candy! #AlmondJoy #snickers #reesespeanutbuttercups #Recknageldds 

Candy corn or NOT? Don't forget to brush! #Dental #Candy #Recknageldds #Halloween 

With the stressors of this current world, if you wake with sore #facial muscles and/or #mouth joint discomfort, a Nightguard would help. We are available if you have any questions. #Dentist #Recknageldds

#Smiles are contagious! Share your smile with someone today! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Dental misconception: Brushing harder cleans better. Brushing hard hurts the #tooth and the tissue and can cause recession of the gums. Brush gently for two minutes, twice a day with a soft-bristled brush. #BeNiceToYourTeeth #Dentist #Recknageldds

 I just completed lunch and I have already burnt 2000 calories! That's what happens when you leave food in the oven too long. #Dadjoke #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Dental visits should start by age 1-2 for children. #happyvisit #Dentist #Recknageldds

Fun weekend with my #family, a birthday and oh yea, there was a football game. What a game! #Sooners #Dentist #Recknageldds

Dental anxiety typically begins during childhood. Oral sedation dentistry is available to help you achieve your dental goals in a more relaxing way. #Relax #Dentist #Recknageldds

I'm not sure how to act today, I have never been this #age before. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Did you make #cinnamon toothpicks when you were young or was that an #Enid thing to do? I spoke to a 16 year old today and he had never heard of it before. #Dentist #Recknageldds 

An issue that we discuss daily. Be careful using #whitening toothpaste. It is like using sand paper on your teeth and it can cause sensitivity. #dentist #Recknageldds 

I have the #answer! Brush 2x a day, floss 3-5x a week and minimize sugar intake. You can see us 2x a year! #Simple #dentist #Recknageldds 

What #color is the #wind? Blew - That joke kinda blows. Have a great week. #Dentist #Recknageldds

 Just be #happy. Don't let the little stupid things steal your happiness. Have a great Friday and a great weekend. #dentist #Recknageldds 

In the patient rooms, if the tv remote falls to the floor, we laugh. If a cell phone falls, we all panic! #Expensive #Dentist #Recknageldds 

I had a patient tell me she is “excited-ish” about getting her dental treatment completed. It IS exciting to have a healthy and beautiful #smile! #Dentist #Recknageldds

Give your #Hygienist a break! Brush and floss like you mean it. #dentist #Recknageldds 

I'm just going to leave this here! 104 days until #Christmas. #dentist #Recknageldds

 It's #Friday. Do something that your future self will thank you for. #dentist #Recknageldds

I want to share a 360 video glimpse of how the OU pregame actually occurs and feels. The video was created by my son Camden (The “360guy”). The 360 camera is attached to the top of his Sousaphone (tuba). This Saturday will mark the first full pregame since 2019. @OU_ThePRIDE #Sooners #Recknageldds #Dentist

I said, "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz . . ."to my staff the other day, and the room was silent! Different generation! #AlkaSeltzer #HappensAllTheTime #dentist #Recknageldds

 Did you know the average bear has 42 #teeth. That is a lot of teeth! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

This $3.75 bottle of #Gatorade, although great at times, gets very expensive if you sip on it! Cavity repair IS expensive. Sugar and teeth do not go together! #NeverSip #Dentist #Recknageldds 



Have a great week! Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward. #SoTrue #Dentist #Recknageldds 

#Summer is great but I am ready for #Fall. Cooler weather, football and the trees changing colors. #Dentist #Recknageldds 


Start your #week with a #Smile. It is proven to make you and others around you feel better! #dentist #Recknageldds 

It's #Friday! Go ahead and tell yourself you will not fall asleep on the couch before 8:30. Enjoy the weekend! #Recknageldds #dentist

What is a dentist's favorite soda? All of them #Moderation #Recknageldds #dentist 

The smallest gestures you do can sometimes carry the most weight. -Joe Vitale #Smile #Recknageldds #dentist 

The worst thing about #Fridaythe13th is Monday the 16th! Have a nice weekend! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

If I was still a classroom teacher, I would be starting year 32 tomorrow. It does not seem possible. I hope this year is great for the administrators, #teachers and students. Education is so important! #Recknageldds #Dentist  

I accidentally recorded a video of my shoes the other day. It was some good footage! #BadDadJoke #Recknageldds #dentist 

I ordered a chicken and an egg from amazon today. I will let you know. #dentist #Recknageldds #WhichComesFirst  

Fantasic quote from a cancer patient singing on America's Got Talent @AGT: "You can't wait until life isn't hard any more before you decide to be happy." @_nightbirde #WordsToLiveBy #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Times have changed. A young patient, watching a #tv in the office, asked why our tv has commercials. #Netflix #Dentist #Recknageldds

The world always looks brighter from behind a #smile! #Dentist #Recknageldds 

Whatever you do today, DO IT with the confidence of a 4 year old in a #Batman costume! #Friday #Dentist #Recknageldds 

What do you call a #dentist who doesn't like #tea? Denis I had to share this one! #Smile #Recknageldds 

"Life is better when you are laughing!" Have a great day! #Sun #Dentist #Recknageldds #laughalot

Does it bother anyone else to eat ice cream off of a wooden spoon? To me, it is just like finger-nails on a chalkboard! #Terrible #LoveIceCreamThough #Dentist #Recknageldds


We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.
